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Why does my cat get mad at other cats?

Why does my cat get mad at other cats?

For example, your cats may fight when both want attention from you, or they may become territorial and fight over preferred resting places, or they may fight when they see another cat outdoors. If the cats primarily fight over resources, such as access to food or resting places, provide them with abundant resources.

Why does my cat howl when seeing another cat?

Have you seen your cats yowling at a stray cat that they see outside the window, pacing back and forth or even scratching the window trying to get out? When cats see that happen, they can become vocal, agitated, antsy, trying arduously to get out.

How to get rid of neighbors cats in your yard?

How to get rid of neighbors cats in my yard. 1. Use cat repellents -This is a way of using repellent scent to drive away cats from your yard. This technology uses the scents of predators to drive 2. Utilize cat-repelling plants -These unique plants give off an odor that cats just hate. One plant …

Why are my indoor cats fighting with my outdoor cats?

Separate and reintroduce warring cats. Cats in the ‘hood cruising around homes often cause indoor kitties to fight each other. This serious aggression, called redirected aggression, occurs when the cats, unable to reach the source of their angst, vent their frustration onto the nearest animal — often their best friend.

Why does my Neighbour have a guest cat?

One neighbour had bought a visiting cat a sparkling new collar. Another had bought the cat a new collar and its own cat bed. Another said their neighbour smoked and would douse the moggie with stinky perfume to try and disguise the smell! AIBU? cried the wounded owners. Which I now know means, Am I Being Unreasonable? YANBU! came the replies!

What kind of cat does my Neighbor have?

The scent of male cat piss on my doorstep is nauseating. I do not own a cat at the moment. The scent of their piss, and the hair they leave behind all over my boat in my car port is unacceptable. I do currently own a Rhodesian Ridgeback that is trained to leave cats alone.

Why is my Neighbor’s cat coming to my house?

Your neighbors may not be aware that their outdoor cat has been coming to your property and bothering your indoor cat. The social behavior of cats can vary greatly from one pet to another. Some people do not believe that cats exhibit territorial behavior, while others have strong beliefs that they do.

Separate and reintroduce warring cats. Cats in the ‘hood cruising around homes often cause indoor kitties to fight each other. This serious aggression, called redirected aggression, occurs when the cats, unable to reach the source of their angst, vent their frustration onto the nearest animal — often their best friend.

Can a cat be interested in an outside cat?

Those of us who keep our cats indoors know that sometimes indoor cats may be interested in watching outdoor cats walk through their yard and hang around outside their house. In some cases, indoor cats may become upset by the sight of strange cats close to their property.

Can a cat get upset at an outside cat?

I have certainly encountered many cats who get so upset at the sight of an outdoor cat that they fluff out their fur, start yowling and hissing and then may turn on the closest living creature standing next to them, whether that’s their feline housemate, the family dog or the unsuspecting owner.