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Why is my kitten losing hair on her face?

Why is my kitten losing hair on her face?

In kittens, facial alopecia is usually a sign of an underlying infection, disorder or disease including bacteria, fungi, parasites, allergies, autoimmune disease or hyperthyroidism. Healthy kittens continuously develop their coats during kittenhood; any hair loss on your kitten’s face should prompt a vet visit.

What does it mean when your cat has scabs on his skin?

If you see that your cat has scabs, it means you can see through to their skin. Unless you have a hairless cat, this is not a healthy sign. Any reason for hair loss in cats is worrying, but if you see wounds or scabs, there is particular cause for concern.

Why does my cat have black specks on his fur?

If you spot black specks on your cat’s skin or in his fur, there’s a good chance that fleas are the culprits. Flea excrement, and the actual fleas, look like black dust particles. Keeping fleas off your cat is the only way to solve hair loss from allergies.

What causes bald spots and black dots in cats?

Bald Spots & Black Dots in Cats 1 Fleas. Prepare for shedding when fleas get under your pet’s fur, because he won’t hesitate to rip his hair out as he scratches at itchy bite wounds. 2 Other Parasites. Fleas aren’t the only parasites that make your cat itch and uncomfortable. 3 Cancer. 4 Diagnosis and Treatment. …

When to take your cat to the vet for hair loss?

Take your cat to the vet to be on the safe side. Exposure to toxic chemicals, ringworm and other types of skin issues can also cause hair loss and change the color of your cat’s skin. If your cat has an allergic reaction to flea saliva, your vet can suggest ways to ease his discomfort. Make sure you take your cat in for checkups every 6 months.

Why does my cat have black scaly patches on her skin?

Proper diagnosis by a veterinarian is important if your cat develops hair loss and black scaly patches on her skin. If your cat has ringworm, your veterinarian might prescribe a prescription topical medication, an oral anti-fungal medication, or a combination of both medications to treat your cat’s ringworm infection.

Why does my cat have scabs on his back?

My cat has been suffering from hair loss for about six months now. He gets scabs around his neck and hind quarters as well as his feet and back. Under his legs are subjects as well. The scabs become larger and then the hair falls out in small tufts.

How big are the scabs on my Cat’s Face?

These can become quite uncomfortable and itchy, and when your cat scratches at them, they can bleed and may result in an infection. The scabs can range in size from 3 mm to more than 1 cm. As with most things, prevention is the best way to make sure your cat doesn’t suffer.

What to do if your cat has scabby skin?

If the mixture turns a reddish brown color (from the digested blood in the feces), you have your diagnosis. If your cat were my patient and a flea allergy weren’t to blame, I would next want to run a skin scraping (checking for microscopic mites), a fungal culture to rule out ringworm, and skin cytology to diagnose bacterial or yeast infections.