Do blue eyed cats have poor eyesight?
Blue eye cats do NOT have vision problems, although some white cats with one or both blue eyes might be deaf in the ear corresponding to the blue eye.
What to do if your Siamese cat is blind?
Even if your Siamese shows signs of retinal degeneration, abrasion or a birth defect, it doesn’t mean he will be completely blind. Talk to your vet and ask him about treatment options for your kitty. Research has shown that the mutation of a single gene in the Siamese genome is related to progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).
Why do Siamese cats eyes dart back and forth?
If your Siamese’s eyes dart back and forth constantly, it’s probably not because he’s been watching cars go by though the window all day. Convergent squint is caused by a mixup in the nerve wiring behind your kitty’s eyes.
What can cause a cat to go blind?
Old age, disease or an injury can sometimes cause your beloved cat to go blind. Although distressing for both you and your cat, this doesn’t signal the end of a happy and fulfilling life — indeed, your cat will get used to the new state of…
Can a Siamese cat be born with glaucoma?
It’s actually a pretty common health problem in cats of all breeds, but most cats that have it aren’t genetically predisposed. Siamese are one of the few breeds that can be born with primary glaucoma, which is strictly hereditary, according to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.
How old is a 16 year old cat?
By age 16 your cat’s physical and mental development is very much like that of an 80-year-old person. She has definitely slowed down physically (relative to her prime adult years)and may have developed a number of health problems.
Can a cat be deaf and blind at the same time?
There are also blind cats, deaf cats, cats missing a leg or have some degree of paralysis; once they weather the precipitating incident, they are no longer in pain, they figure out how to negotiate the world, and they go on. We might feel sorry for such cats, but they do not feel sorry for themselves.
Can a 17 year old cat have a stroke?
My 17 year old went thru a series of stroke-like episodes, each time more pronounced than the previous one. What you are describing sounds very similar to what I saw with Shep. My vet diagnosed either a brain tumor or stroke. This went on for over a year before she became completely paralyzed.
How old was my cat when she had a seizure?
I also had a Catthat had Seizers and she died at age 11. She had no use of her back legs for over a year and would drag them behind her. Then one day she had a real bad one and died. my brother called me at work and said she died.