Are Bengal cats good for people with cat allergies?
Although not one of the first breeds that would spring to your mind as hypoallergenic due to their long and shaggy fur – Siberian cats, like the Russian Blue, Bengal and Balinese – produce less of the Fel D1 protein found in their saliva and skin.
Are Siberian cats allergic?
Siberian. The Siberian has a long coat and does not seem like a typical choice for people suffering from allergies, but the Siberian breed produces lower levels of the Fel d 1 Protein than many other breeds. A large percentage of people with cat allergies are reacting to the presence of the Fel d 1 Protein.
Are Siberian cats big?
Siberian cats, also called Siberian Forest cats or Moscow Longhairs, are a medium to large semi-longhair breed with males ranging from 15 to 20 pounds and females only slightly smaller. They are strong, alert, and adventurous with lustrous coats and round, curious eyes.
Are black cats worse for allergies?
They found that patients with dark-colored felines were four times more likely to have allergic symptoms linked to the pets than were those who owned light-colored cats.
Are there any Siberian cats that are hypoallergenic?
According to, about 50% of Siberians produce low levels of Fel d-1, and 15% produced very low levels, so there is some variation depending on the cat. Although it might seem like very hypoallergenic parents would produce very hypoallergenic offspring, this is not always the case.
Is it safe to have a Bengal cat if you have allergies?
The levels of immune system’s sensitivity to allergens differ greatly, and what works for some people allergic to cats, might not work for everyone. The safest way to determine if a Bengal cat won’t cause your allergies to flare up is to try spending time with one before deciding to commit.
Which is the best breed of cat for people with allergies?
There are a few different breeds that are considered hypoallergenic cats and they’re often recommended as the best cats for people with allergies. However, people often think that hypoallergenic means a total absence of allergic reactions, when, in reality, it actually means that it’s less likely for these breeds to cause a flare up.
How much Fel D-1 does a Siberian cat produce?
For example, the average cat produces 63,000 micrograms of Fel d-1 per gram, while a female Siberian will produce approximately 200 micrograms per gram. According to, about 50% of Siberians produce low levels of Fel d-1, and 15% produced very low levels, so there is some variation depending on the cat.
Is the Siberian cat breed good for allergy sufferers?
One breed that is often spoken of as being a good cat for allergy sufferers, and one that is sometimes even described as or advertised as being hypoallergenic, is the Siberian cat breed.
Why are some people allergic to Bengal cats?
Having in mind that cat fur doesn’t cause allergic reactions, but rather allergens found in their dander and saliva, it might come as a surprise to learn that Bengal’s coat is the main reason why allergic people often don’t mind being around them.
Is the Balinese cat a hypoallergenic cat?
Often referred to as the “longhaired Siamese,” the Balinese looks like an unlikely candidate for a hypoallergenic cat breed. But it is one of the few breeds that produce less of the Fel D1 protein than other cats, thus causing fewer allergic reactions in allergy sufferers.
What are the best hypoallergenic cat breeds for people?
What are the Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies? 1 Balinese. 2 Oriental Shorthair. 3 Javanese. 4 Devon Rex. 5 Cornish Rex. 6 Sphynx. 7 Siberian.