Can a boy cat be spayed or neutered?
So your kitty is all set to be spayed or neutered if he is a boy. It’s natural as a pet parent to be worried about the effects of cat spaying. In fact, the name surgery itself sends shivers down our spine.
How to take care of a female cat after neutering?
For female cats (and male cats that had surgery for undescended testicles), avoid putting pressure on the abdomen. If you have to lift your cat, try this approach: Cup your cat’s hind end with one hand and use the other hand to support your cat’s chest just under the front legs. Lift the cat’s body gently.
Is the RSPCA offering a cat neutering scheme?
Working with Cats Protection, we’re offering a cat neutering scheme helping you to meet the costs of neutering your cat to ensure that they remain healthy and happy. Cat neutering infographic Share our infographic about the potential headaches and heartache of letting a cat get pregnant. Sponsor our cat pods
Where can I get a kitten neutered in the UK?
We’re working with a number of other charities under the Umbrella of the Cat Population Control Group (CPCG) to reduce the number of unwanted cats being born in the UK. You can find out more about what CPCG are doing, and access a database of vets who will neuter cats under four months old, on the Kitten Neutering Database website.
Can a cat get hurt after being spayed or neutered?
However, in rare instances, cats can experience serious complications after being spayed or neutered. To be sure, some may be related to surgeon error, but most happen because cats aren’t necessarily happy about having stitches in their bodies, or because they don’t know enough to keep themselves quiet while their insides are healing up.
Why are the pads of my cats paws swollen?
Plasma cell pododermatitis, in which one or more of the foot pads becomes swollen and soft, can sometimes be attributed to swollen paws. There is no proven treatment for this. It will eventually go away on its own, but it may reoccur.
What are the symptoms of a cat paw injury?
Most injuries to a cat’s paw will produce a few common symptoms as the body works to heal the damaged tissue. These symptoms may include: Swelling: Swelling may occur across the entire paw or on a single toe or section of the foot. A swollen paw will look noticeable bigger than the other.
When to call the vet about your neutered cat?
If you notice that your cat is unable to defecate or urinate normally within the first 72 hours post-surgery, you need to contact your vet immediately.