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Can I keep a turkey with my chickens?

Can I keep a turkey with my chickens?

One of the most common questions I get is: Can you raise turkeys with chickens? The answer is yes and no. We’ve always had good luck keeping our adult turkeys with our chickens, but in some areas of the country there is a disease called blackhead that your chicken flock can carry without any outward symptoms.

Do chickens and turkeys eat the same feed?

Mature Chickens and Turkeys Adult chickens and turkeys can be fed the same feed. Feed containing 16% protein is fine for hens and turkeys. Although, if you’re raising turkeys for meat you’ll probably need a higher protein feed.

How do you introduce turkeys to chickens?

When they are about the size of a chick or larger then introduce them. But u have to first build a temporary wall of chicken wire. That way the turkeys a separate area for themselves. That way the chickens and turkeys can see each other and get used to each other without getting in fights.

Is it safe to have turkeys and Chickens together?

Conventional wisdom says you should never keep turkeys and chickens together, because turkeys are susceptible to blackhead, a disease with devastating consequences. However, lots of backyarders raise chickens and turkeys together without a problem, and with some benefits.

Are there any birds that can live with chickens?

Additionally, peafowl and turkeys seem to do poorly together, the turkeys seem to pass parasites to the peafowl. Guineas are high strung and loud. There is no getting around it. However, they seem to get on well with chickens most of the time.

What’s the difference between chickens and turkeys in a coop?

The turkeys keep to themselves, and because they are slower and less frantic, they let the chickens eat first, then move in and take care of their needs. There’s little problems with nest boxes and territorial issues. Our turkey box is on the floor of our coop, and the chickens prefer to lay in the elevated boxes.

Can you have turkeys and chicks in the same brooder?

While chick starter does have protein, it is not quite enough for the turkeys, especially if they are being raised for the dinner table. While having a brooder nursery full of both chicks and turkeys may sounds adorable, it isn’t quite fair to the turkeys.

Can turkeys and chickens be kept in same area?

turkeys and chickens can be kept together , in the same coop if you have the room. GAME birds cant be kept near them such as pheasent and quail. Unless you live in area that has blackhead disease, in which case chickens and Turkey’s shouldn’t be housed together.

Do chickens get along with turkeys?

Typically turkeys and chickens get along just fine , especially if they’re both raised from chicks together.

Can you raise turkeys and Chickens together?

Chickens and turkeys can be raised together, although it is always best to keep them separate if possible.

Do chickens and turkeys breed together?

Chickens and turkeys are two different species and shouldn’t be cross-bred. According to Wikipedia, there have been some attempts to cross domestic turkeys and chickens before, but very few hybrids successfully hatched. This doesn’t mean a male turkey (a stag) or a rooster will not attempt to mate with females of the other species.