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Where to use pramitol 25E bare ground weed killer?

Where to use pramitol 25E bare ground weed killer?

Pramitol 25E is for use in commercial areas like storage facilities fence lines tank farms railways pipelines and lumber yards. A common use of Pramitol is to control weeds and other vegetation under driveways and parking lots. Pramitol is not recommended for use in residential areas.

How many gallons of pramitol 25E per acre?

Nothing will grow where it is applied for up to 1 year. Pramitol will kill tree roots and is the best grass and weed killer. It is non selective meaning it will kill all vegetation. Application rate can vary, but most applications can be made at a rate of 4 to 10 gallons of Pramitol 25E per acre.

Where to use pramitol in a residential area?

This herbicide is used in commercial areas like storage facilities, fence lines, tank farms, railways, pipelines, and lumber yards. A common use of Pramitol is to control weeds and other vegetation under driveways and parking lots. Pramitol is not recommended for use in residential areas.

How long does it take for pramitol 25E to work?

Pramitol 25E Herbicide is sprayed on the ground around targeted weeds so it can be absorbed in the soil to the roots. Pramitol 25E is a soil sterilant preventing plants and weeds from growing for up to 1 year on treated areas.

When to use pramitol 25E for bare ground?

Pramitol 25E Herbicide is a pre and post-emergent herbicide used to kill various types of weeds and woody plants to establish bare ground. It is ideal for use on industrial work sites and non-cropland areas.

Nothing will grow where it is applied for up to 1 year. Pramitol will kill tree roots and is the best grass and weed killer. It is non selective meaning it will kill all vegetation. Application rate can vary, but most applications can be made at a rate of 4 to 10 gallons of Pramitol 25E per acre.

How long does it take pramitol 25E to kill weeds?

Results of Pramitol 25E Weed Killer will appear with 1 to 2 weeks of the initial application. The kill time depends on the density of the weeds and the amount of saturation that is in the soil.

How long can you keep pramitol 25E in the fridge?

Pramitol 25E will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Store Pramitol 25E in a cool, dry storage area that is above 32 degrees F.