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What should I do if my guinea pig is going through puberty?

What should I do if my guinea pig is going through puberty?

Thus, it is recommended to keep them with bonded partners or get your guinea pigs neutered. Once your guinea pig is neutered, you can pair them with a sow to keep their aggression in check. During the stage of puberty in your guinea pigs, the first thing you will start noticing is a change in their behavior.

What should I do if I only have one guinea pig?

If you only have one guinea pig then one way to make them a lot happier is to provide them with a great environment that they will really enjoy living in. The most important thing about a guinea pig cage is the size of it. It needs to be large enough for your guinea pig to feel free and be able to explore and not become bored.

How to calculate guinea pig age in human years?

However, it is rather based on the observations of the ages of the guinea pig, that veterinarians have established a correlation table ( age chart) to see an equivalent in human age: Life expectancy of the guinea pig: usually three to four years, sometimes up to six to height years. How do we call? a male guinea pig: a guinea boar!

Why is it illegal to have more than one guinea pig?

The law about having to own more than one guinea pig was passed under pressure from animal rights groups that are listened to in the country. They campaigned for the social rights of guinea pigs and this enabled the passing of the law. You may already be aware that guinea pigs are herd animals. In the wild they always run around in packs.

Why does my guinea pig have soft stool?

Runny or soft stools can be caused by an improper diet or a change in diet. But this does not mean that it is real diarrhea. These can be unformed cecotropes, which is another kind of feces that guinea pigs eliminate.

Why does my guinea pig poop like a tear?

If the poop is tear-shaped, it could be an indicator of a gut problem. Guinea pigs should be eating as much hay as their own body. The fiber found in hay is an essential part of their diet so that guinea pig’s digestive system are functioning properly.

What should I do if my guinea pig has diarrhea?

Treating Your Guinea Pig at Home Withhold greens if the diarrhea is semi-formed. Increase their water intake. Avoid treating your guinea pig on your own. Consider changes in your guinea pig’s diet.

What are the signs of old age in guinea pigs?

Old age in guinea pigs also means a weakened immune system. Guinea pigs don’t recover from illnesses as quickly. Talk to your veterinarian about adding a vitamin C supplement to help your guinea pig fight off illness. Guinea pigs may also suffer from arthritis, strokes, heart attacks, tumors and dementia.